Arrows of satan
By Wendy Kay
1. Destory the foundation of the Faith through
Darwins theory and a old earth , so they don't take the book of Genesis literally.
2. Emasculate men and support gay rights as a lifestyle
3. Cause women to become insecure and even angry
over their God given role as "helpers". They in turn will dominate Men causing them to no longer fill their role as Spiritual
4. Make entertainment an obsession within the culture,
that way no one will want to sit and listen to a long sermon pointing out sin, kept them short and sweet, with methods from
men. Never reminding anyone the Holiness of God, hell or judgement.
5. Blind God fearing Christians to turn the other
cheek, never taking a stand on morality issues. To do so would be " judemental, intolerant and narrow minded".
6. Destroy the institution of marriage between
one man and one women.
7. Conform the body of believers to the image of
the world, with the idea it will bring unbelievers in, instead of being the salt and light.
8. Keep Christians so busy with activites that
they find little or no time for intercessory prayer or evangelism.
9. Teach young girls to be desirable you must dress
and look like a harlot. When you teach young girls to visually entice Men , the results will be more heartache, pain , suffering
and sin. Provide easy access to sexual fullilment via computers . Mission accomplished!! No one suspects a thing! Don't
fall short and be decieved by the deceiver.
.." I no longer count on my own goodness or
my abilty to obey God's law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God's way of making us right with Himself depends on faith.
" Philippians 3:9